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Luna's Healing & Boutique

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Reiki Healing

Experience Serenity, Peace, Healing

What Is Reiki? 

The term “reiki” comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” which means vital life force energy that flows through all living things. Some practitioners describe reiki as acupuncture without the needles.

Reiki is a complementary health approach in which practitioners place their hands on or just above different areas of the body. It’s based on an Eastern medicine belief that living beings have energy fields that support their health and vitality.

Energy blocks, on the other hand, impede innate flow of energy, causing not only health problems, but also negative life circumstances like financial troubles or relationship problems, according to belief. Energy blocks of any living being can be treated, according to belief, which is why some practitioners also work on animals and plants. Reiki practitioners focus on sensing energy blocks and moving the energy for the greatest good of the client.

One of the greatest Reiki healing health benefits is stress reduction and relaxation, which triggers the body's natural healing abilities and improves health.

Reiki healing is a natural therapy that gently balances Life Force Energies and brings health and well-being to the recipient. This simple, non-invasive healing system works with the Higher Self of the receiver to promote the health and well-being of the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.
This is a system for attaining wholeness in Mind, Body and Spirit.

Here are some of the benefits Reiki can manifest in your life whether hands on or at a distance:

•   Increases an overall sense of well-being
•   Alleviates stressful situations by bringing you peace and a sense of grounding.
•   Helps accelerate healing processes
•   Strengthens the Immune System
•   Increases energy
•   Provides you with mental clarity
•   Alleviates pain
•   Aids in clearing the chakras
•   Aids in cleansing of the body
•   Provide emotional, mental and spiritual support
•   Can clear a space or situation of negative energy that may be influencing a circumstance.

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Reiki Healing Sessions  

(in-person or distance)

Energy Cleanses(Limpias)

Ra'pe Intention Energy Release


I advocate self-love

My journey awakened my soul to assist other's with unconditional love.
"One must elevate consciousness before healing can begin" Dr. Mikao Usui

Reiki Master
Energy Healer
Magical Alchemist
Guided by Angels


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About Ra’pe/ Hapé 

Traditionally, Rapé is applied by using a pipe made from bamboo, which is blow through each nostril on both sides.  It can be self-administered using a V-shaped self-applicator pipe which connects the mouth to the nostrils.  It can also be administered by another person using a blow pipe which connects the blower’s mouth to the other person’s nostrils.  The self-applicator pipe is known as a ‘kuripe’ and the blow pipe is known as a ‘tepi’.

The blend is blown high up into the nostrils with a pipe called a Tepi. The blow immediately focuses the mind, stops the chattering, and opens the entire freed mindspace for your intentions. Furthermore, rapé helps releasing emotional, physical, and spiritual illnesses and eases negativity and confusion, enabling a thorough grounding of your mind. Likewise, rapé is used to re-align the user with their energy channels and with their higher self, and to intensify their connection with the world and the universe. In addition, rapé paves the way for detoxifying the body and cleans out all excess mucus, toxins, and bacteria, thereby, assisting in fighting colds, sniffles and certain kinds can even help with the flu.  Blowing the Tepi involves an intimate connection between the rapé giver and receiver. Both are closely connected by mouth, nose and by breath, and both need to open and allow the other spirit and intention to enter, permitting the healing to take place.  After blowing, it is recommended to sit with the medicine and meditate for about a half hour or so.  It is best to remain with the eyes closed, while inhaling and exhaling slowly (more effective through the nose), enabling a thorough grounding and maintenance of focus.

Ra’pe or Hapé is a sacred shamanic snuff medicine with profound healing effects
Rapé is a legal sacred shamanic medicine that has been used by healers of the Amazon for thousands of years. It is pronounced ‘ha-peh’ in English, but is also referred to as ‘hape’, ‘hapi’, or ‘rapay’. These are very rare, sacred, powerful, and profoundly healing and cleansing miracle medicine. It is made out of a complex blend of pulverized Amazonian medicinal plants, trees, leaves, seeds, and other sacred ingredients. 

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